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这本书叫Contagious, Why Things Catch On



作者是Jonah Berger,长期从事信息传播行为的研究:

  • 本科:斯坦福,Human Judgement and Decision Making
  • Ph.D:斯坦福,商学院,Marketing
  • 教授:沃顿商学院





  • 为什么支付宝的晒账单、微信的晒历史会迅速刷屏?
  • 为什么芙蓉姐姐、凤姐、庞麦郎会迅速走红?
  • 为什么大家都说杜蕾斯的社会化营销做得最好?它的营销方案的哪些特点让其能够屡次引发病毒式传播?
  • 你最近向身边的人强力推荐过什么?背后有哪些原因?
  • 上一波牛市是如何形成的?什么引起了全民炒股的热潮?





Word of mouth is the primary factor behind 20%-50% of all purchasing decisions.



Word of mouth(口碑)比广告更有价值:

  • 广告的可信度没有word of mouth高
  • word of mouth比广告更加精准
  • word of mouth比广告更加适时




  • social currency:我们分享让我们看起来棒棒哒东西;
  • trigger:我们分享正好在脑袋里想起来的东西;
  • emotion:我们分享让我们情绪高度唤起的东西;
  • public:想让别人分享,必须先让更多人看见;
  • practical value:我们分享有价值、有用处的东西;
  • stories:如何让情节帮助进行信息传播;

Social Currency

  • people share things that make them look good to others. (我们分享信息,都是在塑造自己期望的形象,在炫耀,自己的牛逼、幸福);People uses social currency to achieve desired positive impressions. (想想我们每天发的朋友圈,大家拿出手机看看朋友圈上的信息,除了代购之外)
  • Give people a way to make themselves look good when promoting products and ideas.
  • Find inner remarkability,另外,人们在说事情时,经常不自觉的进行夸大,让听起来更加remarkable;
    • interesting
    • surprising, i.e. contradict common senses
    • novel
    • extreme
    • mystery, people will seek answers from others
    • controversy, disagreement foster discussion
  • leverage game mechanics(利用游戏化设计), people share their achievements along with the brand. 航空公司的飞行里程。
    • rules
    • feedback loops
    • sense of achievement
    • social comparison, we compare to define ourselves, self-evaluation, self-enhancement, show off,
    • metrics
    • visible symbol to display to others, i.e. badges
    • award, people will boast to others
  • make people feel like insiders
    • exclusivity, access by invitations only, smart bargains vs. rue la la, private sale, exclusiveness makes people think it must be desirable
    • scarcity, makes things more desirable, if something so hard to get, it must means people loves it. If people have something that not everyone can get, they will feel like insiders, special, unique, high status. McRib, McDonald's pork sandwich.
  • And, giving people money to motivate desired behaviors is not effective, because it reduces intrinsic motivations. Says over justification effect.
  • 想想我向别人推荐过哪些东西,我为什么推荐?


  • Average Americans engage in more than 16 word of mouth episodes per day. Give people the product they enjoy, and they will be happy to spread the word.
  • Accessible thoughts can lead to action, triggers can make certain thoughts more accessble.类似于产品中所说的情景,如果你的产品能和高频的情景结合起来,人们就会更多地想到你。
  • Kit Kat and coffee campaign, coffee being the frequent stimulus in the environment.
  • 我们生活中有哪些成功的触发案例?
  • Effective trigger:
    • Frequency, coffee is a better trigger for Kit Kat than hot chocolate, because people drink coffee much more often. Weekends are better triggers for beer than holidays.
    • The strength of the link, the more things a given cue is associated with, the weaker any given association. 高频的事物上往往绑定了很多事物,人们看到的时候未必会想起你,这就要求建立明确的链接关系,让人们看到xx就想到yy,而不是yy或zz或aa。也就是说有时候单纯追求trigger的高频并不一定效果好。
    • Pick triggers that happen near where the desired behavior is taking place. Bad example, use showering in the bathroom as a trigger for safety bath mat, people will think of it when they shower, but the bathroom is not where the desired behavior happens, buying the bath mat. Good example, "man drinks fat" antisoda campaign.
    • Consider the context. Think about the environment of the people a message or idea is trying to trigger. Different environments contain different stimuli. Time, place, situations. Reusable grocery bags.


  • Emotions that will boost sharing: emotion sharing, online or in real life, is like social glue, maintaining and strenghening relationships. Social support and bonding are also reasons why people share emotions.
  • Arousal is the key. High-arousal inspires sharing, and low-arousal hinders sharing.
    • High-arousal emotions: excitement, anger, anxiety, happiness, awe, fear, moved, humor, disgust, frighten, despise, inspired
    • Low-arousal emotions: contentment, sadness, shame, disappointment, regret, guilt, worry
    • Information, knowledge, and logic, are not enough to make people act. Utilize emotions.
  • 不相关的原因引起的唤起状态也会影响传播:不仅由内容出发的唤起状态能够增加人们的分享和传播,所有唤起状态都可以,例如一个实验,让部分被试静坐放送,另一部分慢跑一分钟,然后阅读同样的文章并决定是否分享出去,慢跑组有75%愿意分享,两倍于放松组。也就是说哪怕是单纯因为运动等带来的唤起,也会导致人们更加愿意行动,而处于低唤起状态时,人们倾向于保持静态。例如喝酒之后情绪高涨,就会话更多,分享更多。overshare. When people are physiologically aroused, they tend to share more than they mean to. So, one way to boost word of mouth is to find people when they are already aroused.
  • 想想平时看到的流行信息,是因为引起了哪些情感而导致传播的?


  • Public visibility: The direction of logo on Apple’s laptop;
  • Monkey see, monkey do; People see, People talk; People see, People imitate; People follow others;
  • Social Proof: We imitate people around us when we make decisions in every aspect of life. Canned laugh in TV shows. Seed money in a beggars bowl or donation box. Career choices. People always choose crowded place to eat. “Others are eating it, must means it is good.” Others’ choices provide information to resolve our uncertainty. Herd mentality(人类都喜欢跟风,不仅是中国人,人类都一样,这是因为跟风可以减少认知负担,也是被进化证明正确的行为——跟风不一定每次都对,但是比特立独行有更大的正确概率).
  • Observability has huge impact. Car sales is affected by observability of cities. Observability works as triggers, which can also spur word of mouth and actions.
  • Generating public signals for private choices, actions, and opinions.
  • Hotmail. At the end of each e-mail sent by hotmail, add an ad. Just like "sent from my iPhone". Make it visible.
  • Products that advertise themselves. Big-ass logo, unique and distinguishable design pattern. Nike, Ralph Lauren, Lacste, iPod white headphone. Shapes, sounds, and other distinctive characteristics can all help products advertise themselves. Bags with logos.
  • Behavioral residue. Something that stays after the action is finished. Lance Armstrong yellow Nike wristband. Color yellow stands out easily. In order to stay, behavioral residue should have social currency, practical value and so on. It will be a observable trigger for word of mouth long after the action is over. Such as shopping bags that people carry for everyday use. Giveaways, like mugs, pens, T-shirts, can help trigger word of mouth for conferences, job fairs, and meetings. The key is to make things that is observable, frequently used, public.
  • If you want to get people not to do something, don't tell them that lots of their peers are doing it. If you want to stop people from illegally downloading music, telling them that "only 37% of music acquired by American consumers was paid for" might have just the opposite effect. When people see that lots of others are doing this, they might think it's ok morally, or even stupid to pay for music. People will imitate, good or bad, encouraged or not.

Practical Value

  • Sharing practical value makes people feel good, because it's helping others. It also provide some social currency. We care, we share. Sharing is caring.
  • Saving money. People share when offers seem like a good deal. And whether a deal seems good has a lot to do with psychology.
  • Daniel Kahneman (2002 Nobel Prize Winner). Prospect theory. Behavioral economics. People don't evaluate things in absolute terms, but relative to a comparison standard, or "reference point", set by former experience, or expectation, or anchor.
    • Merely label something as "on sale" would increase purchase. Experiment: Mail two versions of catalog to more than 5000 people, one says sale and the other not. The sale sign increased sales by more than 50%.
    • Diminishing sensitivity. 如果一个东西的价值是20元,人们会愿意为便宜10元而到另一家店去,而如果一个东西的价格是2000元,人们就不会愿意为便宜10元去另一家店。另,刚买完大件东西的人会比较大方,因为这时候他对钱更加麻木了,这其实也算是锚定效应的一个表现。在前景理论的图像上表现就是曲线斜率变缓。获得20元会比获得10元快乐很多,但是获得10020元和获得10010元感觉差不多。
  • highlighting incredible value:
    • surpass expectations
    • availability: 会改变人们的reference point,如果长期持续优惠,人们会调低价格的参考点,认为原本就应该价格低;
      • limited timing: 店面到期,只剩最后三天,挥泪甩卖。The fact that a deal won’t be around forever makes people feel that it must be really good one.
      • frequency: 如果双十一每周都有,那么大家就不会认为很优惠了。
      • limited quantity: 一些小吃店限量购买。
      • restricted access: Like restrictions on quantity or timing, the mere fact that not everyone can get access to this promotion makes it seem more valuable.
  • the rule of $100: how a promotional offers is expressed also impact the practical value.
    • percentage discount is better for product’s price that is less than $100;
    • numerical discount is better for product’s price that is more than $100;
  • the easier for people to see, the better.
  • practical value isn’t just about money. Useful information is also valuable. New York Times Most E-Mailed list study found that health and education are among the most shared. One reason is that they are helpful.
    • how the information is packaged. short lists focused around a key topic, five ways to stay in shape, ten things to do to realize new year resolution.
    • the number of audience. 并不是受众基数大的话题就会被传播的更广,有时候受众更少的会被传播更广,因为当人们看到这个信息时,会想起特定的人,会感觉有必要去传播,当看到一个面向所有人的信息时,并不会想起特定的人,就缺少传播的冲动。(好像很有道理,想想生活中的例子 )
  • 看看自己过去分享的东西,哪些是因为有实用价值?为什么觉得有实用价值?为什么去分享?
  • a note on truth. 很多人会分享健康谣言,因为这些谣言往往看起来很有实用性。当然也可以说引起了情绪,例如害怕、担忧、惊奇等。

Stories (in a broad sense)

  • 这里的故事指的不仅是编写的故事,包括一切有情节的叙事;
  • Stories are spread more widely, and last longer. 将自己想要传播的思想、信息编入故事中,可以更加广泛的传播,甚至会有更好的说服效果,让人们更容易接受和认同其中的信息。Because people don’t think in terms of information. They think in terms of narratives. Stories are naturally more engrossing than basic facts, they captures more attention, and are more engaging.
  • 故事更容易让人相信,因为它可能真实的发生在某人身上,而且当人们专注于故事的情节,就没有剩余的认知能力去辨别背后信息的真实性了。同时,当人们决策时,故事的availability会更好,更容易左右人们的决策。
  • People tell stories for the same reasons they share word of mouth. Emotion, Social Currency, Practical Value.
  • People don’t like to seem like walking advertisements. Sharing information directly would seem not only weird, but also out of context.
  • How to make a carrier narrative that people will share, while talking about our product or idea along the way?
    • “Fool in the pool”. A man sneaked into 2004 Olympic game and jumped off the springboard, to promote GoldenPalace.com, an online casino. 这次营销非常失败,虽然视频观看很多,事件被广泛传播和激烈讨论,但是没人讨论这个网站,甚至没人注意到,因为事件与想要宣传的东西没有一丝的关系。当人们向他人介绍这个故事的时候,不会提起这个网站,因为他们忘了,或认为这个细节对故事并没有什么帮助。所以,当传播信息时,不仅要让人们谈论故事,更不要忘记让人们谈论我们真正想让他们讨论的东西。Weeve the information deep into the story that people can’t tell the story without mentioning it.
    • Good example: Panda Cheese, the Egyptian dairy company. “Never say no to Panda.” It’s great not only because it inspire spreading, but also the brand is an integral part of the story. You can’t tell the story without mentioning Panda.
    • 故事在传播中的变化:每个故事中都有至关重要的细节,是在传播中不会丢失的,是人们在复述时不会忘记和忽视的。要把信息放在这些细节中。故事在传播时的变形,会遵守一些规则。在一个实验中,被试传递第一个人看到的一个图片中的内容。信息量在传递中快速丢失,前五六次的传播就会丢失掉七成信息。但是故事并不是简单地缩短,而是会在一些关键细节上更加完善。哪种细节会被丢失掉,哪种细节会被完善,都有一定的规律。会围绕故事的主旨,故事最突出的冲突,故事的核心,其余的细节都会被丢掉。Make sure your desired information is so embedded into the plot that people can’t tell the story without it.

never say no to panda



  • 为什么支付宝的晒账单、微信的晒历史会迅速刷屏?
  • 为什么芙蓉姐姐、凤姐、庞麦郎会迅速走红?
  • 为什么大家都说杜蕾斯的社会化营销做得最好?它的营销方案的哪些特点让其能够屡次引发病毒式传播?
  • 你最近向身边的人强力推荐过什么?背后有哪些原因?
  • 上一波牛市是如何形成的?什么引起了全民炒股的热潮?


感兴趣请关注本人专栏: 社会化营销,信息传播背后的心理学 - 人心理的那些事儿 - 知乎专栏

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