关于SEO Image Optimizer ‑ Auto SEO



The Premier SEO app for Shopify.
Trusted by over 204,000 Shopify stores.
Over 4,700 glowing reviews
Featured Shopify App
Optimize SEO Images for FREE
According to a study of U.S. web-based searches, the world’s **second most-used search engine** is Google Images!
Crazy right?...
Moz reported that **26.79% of searches take place on Google Images**, compared to just 3.71% on YouTube, 2.25% on Bing and 0.69% on Facebook.
Right now you're probably wondering how you can benefit in terms of SEO from this?...
Install the app now and ensure you aren't missing out on traffic through Google Image Search...
Who is the Pro Plan For?
The Pro Plan is for any Shopify Store that is dedicated to making Google a source of free, highly qualified traffic.
We have spent years analyzing the best practices for Ecommerce SEO and have condensed this into a simple, automated app.
For a developer or SEO consultant to implement these technical optimizations would take thousands of dollars in fees and countless hours work.
Will I jump to the first page of Google if I use the Pro Plan?
SEO at it's simplest form can be broken down to 2 things.
Technical SEO optimizations (On Page SEO)
Building reputable backlinks (Off Page SEO)
This app will ensure that you are set up for On Page SEO success. We will constantly monitor and automatically optimize your store to ensure you are meeting Google's best practices when it comes to Technical SEO.
The APP WILL NOT build backlinks for your store. Building backlinks is a manual process which can take months, if not years of dedication to achieve a highly ranked site.
Please beware of any app that guarantees you results - it's just not true..
How are we different from Plugin seo, TinyImg seo or an SEO manager?
Our app will automatically optimize your store every day, as opposed to manually logging in and tinkering with SEO settings. Yoast for Shopify.
FAQ and Support
Please check out our knowledge base for FAQ and access to support.
Q: Do you guarantee increased SEO rankings in Google?
A: No, we do not. We optimize your store to have up to date SEO best practices applied. Please be wary of apps offering to increase your Google Search Rankings. This is only achieved through 6 months+ of hard work building backlinks and an optimized store.




