Shopify SEO Services

Get in touch with our Shopify SEO team today.

Read time: . Last Updated on March 11th, 2024 at 03:48 pm.

What is Shopify?

Shopify is a very popular e-commerce platform used by over 4 million websites worldwide. If you have done any kind of shopping online, you will most likely have visited a Shopify store without even realising it.

The platform is very easy to set up, and they have a number of free and paid themes to choose from. You don’t really need to be an expert to set up a Shopify store, add products and have it running in no time at all.

It has built-in payment integrations and is hosted directly by Shopify, so you also don’t need to have separate accounts with hosts and manage site security; this is all taken care of by Shopify.

Whilst this sounds pretty much perfect, getting your website in front of people and sales to your store is ultimately the objective, but from this point, you are on your own.

Now, we could discuss conversion optimisation and return customers, but let us get people to your store first; this is where Shopify SEO comes in.

Why Optomise Shopify for SEO

When you optimise your Shopify store using SEO techniques, you are working towards increasing your online presence. This should increase your visibility; the more visible you are, the more visitors you get, and the more visitors you get, the more sales.

Sounds easy. Let’s imagine you have a product and it is called “Giant Panda ABC”, and you are the only person in the world who sells this product. A user will go into Google and search for the product; as you are the only person who sells such a product, they will find your website, and you have a great chance of converting.

But now let’s imagine you are not the only person who sells this product. A user may search for the product in Google, and you find your product on page 5. Basically, a ghost town where no one ever visits.

Do you know these guys in the top places? They have better SEO than you.

Now, SEO is not something that happens overnight. If you want to show right at the top, you could always spend on Adwords campaigns. Each time your advert is clicked, you will get charged, but you will still be competing in a competitive marketplace with competitors, some of whom may have much larger budgets.

But when a user clicks on your organic listing positioned through SEO, it’s completely free. Targeting top places using SEO can bring an outstanding return on investment over multiple years. However, it must be maintained using best practices and following search engine guidelines otherwise, over time, you will slip back down compared to competitors who keep focused on SEO.

In order to receive value from a Shopify eCommerce site, effective search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies must be maintained, along with strong content marketing knowledge. For a large proportion of business owners, SEO isn’t their forte, while attempting to juggle multiple hats.

Through our Shopify SEO services, we can make the most of the platform for you by employing effective SEO strategies. From increasing your website’s visitors and attracting potential customers on the likes of Google and Bing to distributing content across the marketing spectrum, we can help.

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Auditing Your Shopify Website

Before offering our Shopify SEO services, we will first complete a website analysis. This will identify the key weaknesses in your store’s build, code and UX/UI. This step is imperative to ensure that you are getting the most out of your online store.

Once an analysis has been completed, we will gauge your aims as a business owner. Are you hoping to improve your online presence? Is your loading time too slow? Maybe you’re hoping to update the experience consumers can receive online, through your store? Or maybe you’re aiming for more potential customers? Based on your requirements, key SEO services will be recommended, following Shopify guidelines.

From here, it is likely that URL structures will require optimisation, including the correct canonical links. Alongside the technology behind your Shopify store, our team of SEO experts will consider the content embedded into your website. High-quality content must be present to achieve successful Shopify SEO rankings. Through this, consistent evaluations of your product pages will be made, ensuring that appropriate updates can be made efficiently. This will ensure that your content ranks higher than competitors, especially when considering keywords and image ALTS.

Additionally, our Shopify SEO services will include the usability of your website. This is very important when considering the build of your website, along with its promotion.

If your website is difficult to use, this can suppress your SEO efforts and send negative signals to search engines regarding user experience. With this in mind, improving UX/UI is a must, along with consistently updating competitive keywords.

Some of the most common SEO issues we find on Shopify websites include:

  • Poorly Optomised Product Titles
  • Collection Canonical Issue
  • Redirection Errors
  • Duplicate Content
  • Copied Non-Unique Content
  • Slow Loading Images
  • Breadcrumb Issues


Shopify SEO Advice

Shopify does give some advice on how to improve SEO, but the content is very thin. Updating .text files, adding keywords and excluding some pages from indexation are all very basic SEO procedures.

There are also a multitude of plug-ins that websites can use to “improve SEO”, but you should tread very carefully with plug-ins as there can be trade off’s, and some don’t work very well.

For example, if you realise you have no alt text on any of your products, and you have 1000’s to add, an easy option would be to add a plug-in that can do it for you.

But for this, you will have to pay a monthly fee, and the alt text will be created using a mixture of tags and product titles. It will not be optimised correctly, or in a way that aids your SEO; it’s just a box-ticking exercise.

For real expert advice, you do need to employ a dedicated SEO team, as Shopify offer no advice on Offsite SEO or many of the other intricate details surrounding search engine optimisation.

The Benefits of Using Our Shopify SEO Services

By making use of our Shopify SEO services, there are many benefits on offer.

An SEO Strategy Based on Your Needs

Firstly, you will receive an SEO strategy, based on your personal needs. All websites are different. Likewise, all aims are different. A Shopify-specific SEO strategy will be formed to help achieve your aims.

Our Expert SEO Recommendations

Our team here at Maxweb Solutions are made up of SEO experts. We pride ourselves on our knowledge surrounding niche SEO strategies and policies. Through our recommendations, you will receive accurate guidance to improve your Shopify SEO rankings.


The Ability to Improve the Value of Your Shopify Website

Through our Shopify SEO services, you’ll have the ability to improve the value of your online shop. By improving user experience, UX/UI/ purchasing processes and secondary content, your online store will act as a large part of your overarching sales and marketing strategy.


The Chance to Attract New Potential Customers

If you’re hoping to attract new potential customers, this is your chance. By increasing the visibility of your store, through higher rankings, you’ll likely target a new segment of consumers.


Higher Rankings Across Search Engines

The key aim of SEO is to achieve high rankings. Great effort has been placed in creating your website and content marketing assets. Increase its exposure and influence by reaching a higher ranking across search engines.

Our Clients

Why is SEO important?

In today’s digital world, a strong SEO strategy is imperative. Search engines, such as Google are currently flooded by a wide range of websites, online stores and blog posts. With this in mind, there are pages and pages of adverts and links, just like yours.

To help boost the ranking of your content and assets, an effective SEO strategy will be beneficial. However, it is important that a Shopify SEO strategy is employed, helping to ensure that suitable features are highlighted on your platform, translating across search engines. Additionally, this approach will ensure that your eCommerce site will be accepted by the search engine, meeting their ranking criteria.

Without an SEO strategy, an online presence will be non-existent, a strong conversion rate will be unlikely and low rankings across high-quality content marketing will be experienced.

To combat negative results, utilising Shopify SEO services will be recommended. Although complex on the surface, for our Shopify SEO experts, this activity is second nature, with vast experience of improving the ongoing online presence of many clients.


Example of Shopify Improvement Through SEO

When you start to focus on SEO, you won’t see a big bang of traffic like you do if you invested a lot of money, but a gradual improvement.

We all love to see vertical lines, and if you get positioned on a high-volume keyword, it can have a similar effect. But for most companies, it is about continuous improvement.

One of our latest Shopify SEO clients has experienced a positive effect since they signed up to our services over the first 3-month period.


Steady Visibility Gain

Visibility Improvements on search console

As we can see, our client has gradually increased visibility over this 3-month period. Clicks are also following visibility, proving that this increased visibility is in turn, generating more clicks

After auditing this site, technically, we found they do not have many problems, but there is still much work to be done as it operates in a very competitive market.

The focus here was:

  1. Optomise Image Sizes and Alt Text
  2. Optomise Page Content
  3. Optomise Product Tiles
  4. Start Outreach Campaigns

As we can see, a lot of this work is very self-explanatory. Getting the basics right in the first instance will allow us to move on to more advanced SEO techniques later. You can not build a house before you lay foundations. For this reason, we always start at the bottom up, ensuring all the basics are covered; this will then give us a solid platform for growth.

It is also necessary that any work carried out is “white hat” and aimed at improving the user experience and not just for search engine manipulation purposes. Many sites have in the past tried to manipulate search engines for ranking purposes, and once they are found out, they can be penalised very severely with rankings drops.


The Cost Of Shopify SEO

At Maxweb, our Shopify SEO prices start from £300 per month. Every client will have a dedicated project manager who will oversee the SEO work on your Shopify website.

As Shopify is an e-commerce platform, a lot of the work will fall under e-commerce SEO, and we will look to improve your product, collection and home page visibility for target keywords.

The amount you pay dictates the amount of time we can put into your website so we can cover more aspects on a day-to-day basis.

Over a period of months, we expect to see steady growth and organic traffic gains as we collaborate through the process and build a strong platform for future success.

Through our Shopify SEO services here at Max Web Solutions, we can help you grow your website and share valuable information which will also educate you on SEO best practices. If you would like to find out more, simply Get in touch today with our Shopify SEO team.


Customer Reviews
  • Christian Loyal's profile image

    Christian Loyal

    Great team, very knowledgeable.

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  • Richard Smith's profile image

    Richard Smith

    They have always been professional and responsive to issues and offer excellent customer service. I highly recommend there services to anyone.

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  • Olympia Stewart's profile image

    Olympia Stewart

    We have worked with Maxweb over the past few months to design and create a professional and bespoke website to reflect the brand development in our...

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  • David Allen's profile image

    David Allen

    I have been working with Maxwebsolutions since starting my business over 10 years ago and I can highly recommend their services. They have always b...

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  • Adrian Thomas's profile image

    Adrian Thomas

    As digital Agencies go these guys play a straight bat and don’t hype themselves up or overstate their ability to second guess Google. They are extr...

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  • Julie Balmer's profile image

    Julie Balmer

    Maxweb came out and completed a virtual tour of the pub. The guys were so professional and friendly and took full control and managed everything. A...

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  • Paul Andrew's profile image

    Paul Andrew

    Mark and his Team at Maxweb Solutions are a Vital and Integral part of our Businesses, having provided the Very best Professional Support for in ex...

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    tracy james

    We have worked close with Maxweb for the last 7 years and have had great success. They have increased our business leads and turnover year on year...

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    centre line

    We Highly recommend Max Web Solutions, as a new business we received all the guidance and advice that has helped our business grow rapidly in the l...

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